Em's High-Protein Recovery Smoothie
I just whipped this smoothie up for my husband who is doing a 5 hr training ride in preparation for Coast to Coast. Recovery nutrition is very important especially for long sessions and even more especially is the session was hard. This smoothie provides approx 90 g... read moreEm's Tahini Salad w/Strawberries
Last night we did the naughty and had fish and chips. Afterwards we felt pretty gross, yet unsatisfied. What is with that with junk food? Our neighbour had given us some lovely fresh organic salad greens, and they were sitting on our table looking at us saying... read moreEm's Bloody Good Pizza
Since being away in Australia for the Noosa Triathlon, I returned to a rather wild patch of organic spinach. It’s amazing how much this green gold can grow in a week! So I did a major chop-back to get it under control. As Powerboy Mitch and I were hiking up Mt.... read more
Em's Awesome Healthy Nachos
The other night we had a Mexican craving, and since it’s impossible to find any decent restaurants that don’t cost the whole ranch, we made our own. This will serve 3-4 people as an appetizer, or 2 people as a main dish. Hope you like! Fresh Guacamole: 1.5... read more