Em's Bloody Good Pizza

Since being away in Australia for the Noosa Triathlon, I returned to a rather wild patch of organic spinach. It’s amazing how much this green gold can grow in a week! So I did a major chop-back to get it under control. As Powerboy Mitch and I were hiking up Mt.... read more
Em's Awesome Healthy Nachos

Em's Awesome Healthy Nachos

The other night we had a Mexican craving, and since it’s impossible to find any decent restaurants that don’t cost the whole ranch, we made our own. This will serve 3-4 people as an appetizer, or 2 people as a main dish. Hope you like! Fresh Guacamole: 1.5... read more
Em's Aduki Bean Dip Burritos

Em's Aduki Bean Dip Burritos

I was experimenting with this one, thinking I would make bean dip, but ended up using in burritos instead. Either way this is an easy recipe to make and is very delicious, gluten-free and vegan. It helps if you have a food processor, if not just get out your potato... read more

Stress and Food While Racing

Stress and Food While Racing By Emily Miazga, M. Sc. Clinical Nutrition Creator of Em’s Power Cookies and Bars 3x Speight’s Coast to Coast Champion I believe it’s safe to assume that we all get nervous before a race or competition. The butterflies in the stomach,... read more
Em's Power Pizza

Em's Power Pizza

Yumm-O we love pizza almost as much as we love Em’s! For an easy summer dinner check this out: Here is what you will need (give or take) to make 2 pizzas: 2 store-bought pizza-bases (or you can make your own) Tomato paste 6-8 mushrooms, sliced 1 medium red onion... read more
Em's Hearty Healthy Stew

Em's Hearty Healthy Stew

This recipe is so easy you can even make it if you’ve had a couple wines or brewskies. For a Gluten-free option, skip the pearl barley and just use beans. As most of Em’s recipes are, this is also Vegan. You will need: 200g pearl barley 300g mixed dried... read more