Ahhh to get into the mountains they do call my name! Being a prairie girl, it is ironic that the hills have always tugged on my heart-strings ever since I was very little.
So it is no surprise I ended up in NZ and took on the great mountain race, the Coast to Coast! (and conquered it 3x). Must be my over-achieving nature… Well my racing days are over and now I just like to enjoy some of my favourite local hikes in the Northern Buller, close to my home. It feels good to be more relaxed about my fitness, and less intense. However I still like to get amongst it for fun!

NZ Wilderness Magazine published an article in this month’s edition on my fav West Coast walks!
We went up the Mt Glasgow route Xmas Eve. It was a stunner day, and special to reunite with my old friend Glasgow, as it had been a few years. It was a little overgrown and rough but that is what makes Glasgow so special, it’s rugged and wild.

Heading up towards the “knob”. Very steep! The views from the top are worth the ~1000m climb!

Rocky ridge towards the north

Eastward rugged tops and tarns

Overlooking Seddonville and the Mokihinui River mouth

Descending back into the native bush. Flora and fauna galore
The Northern Buller on the West Coast has so much to offer! Of course there are the usual suspects – Heaphy, Old Ghost Road…. but if you take the time to explore off the beaten track a little there are many hidden gems in this paradise I call home.
In loving memory of our dear friend Martin Langely, who has flown away to other adventures.
Have to do Mt Glasgow….talk about calling you, Glasgow in Scotland is where my family is from so appropriate for me to visit!
Looks awesome, how long did it take to get to the top?
It took us about 4 hours, but that was a bit slow. When fitter, can go up and back in that time!