Epic Corporate Campus, Westport,
The Home of Em's Power Cookies
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PO Box 23, Ngakawau,
West Coast 7867
West Coast 7867
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We would love to hear from you. If you would like to talk about a great experience with Em’s Products we encourage you to send us an email, review the product in our online shop or even place it directly on our Facebook Page.
We try to respond to all emails promptly, and are always looking for great stories to share if you have any adventures or photos you might have – please share!
Phone: 09 579 0963
Email: sales@neillcropper.com
Neill, Cropper & Company is a leading NZ distributor and brand ambassador of food and beverage products, such as Bundaberg Brewed Drinks
@ emspowercookies
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EM'S power cookies
Cookies, bars and bites that deliver nutritious sustenance and energy to go
Unleash Your Power®!
Cookie Time Limited
789 Main South Road,
Templeton, Christchurch 8042, New Zealand
A taste for every occasion, a smile on every face®