
Where can I find Em’s Power Cookies?

  • Bike shops NZ and Australia
  • BP Connect and Z Sites
  • New World
  • Countdown (hemp protein cookies only)
  • Four Squares
  • Convenience stores, Night n’ Day, Metro Marts Chch
  • Specialty shops and tourist outlets

If your local store or shop is not stocking Em’s Power Cookies please ask them to get in touch with us!

Available in-store at the following retailers!


Bike Shop Distributor

Primary Distribution Partner for NZ Sales

Phone: 09 579 0963

Neill, Cropper & Company is a leading NZ distributor and brand ambassador of food and beverage products, such as Bundaberg Brewed Drinks

      EM'S power cookies

      Cookies, bars and bites that deliver nutritious sustenance and energy to go
      Unleash Your Power®!

      Cookie Time Limited

      789 Main South Road,
      Templeton, Christchurch 8042, New Zealand
      A taste for every occasion, a smile on every face®

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